Homespun Homeschool Week #19

Week 19 of Homeschool: We learned about the early Greeks and made a sword and shield out of duct tape, learned 3 main types of rock, drew the bones in our hands, studied our linear equivalents and learned how to measure by inches, gave presentations on our trips to L.A. and the Monterey Bay Aquarium, created art in the style of Ghiberti, reviewed our Latin Noun Cases, learned step 1 of how to juggle, read The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, learned new Latin words and phrases, practiced skip-counting by 10’s, and learned a ton of card tricks and practiced on Mom, Dad and Granny!


Homespun Homeschool Week #18

Week 18 of Homeschool: We learned Liquid Equivalents, did a taste test, read about Mexican Jumping Beans, studied Latin noun cases, went for a hike, practiced reading and writing, learned Western Africa’s geography, performed an experiment to see how the earth’s tilt causes seasons, studied Ancient Crete & the Bull Jumpers, learned about the earth’s core, mantle & crust, performed an experiment to see how soil layers form, learned how the Kush mined gold, made shadow puppets and designed our own fishes at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, learned compound prepositions, created art like Giotto, and slept overnight at the Monterey Bay Aquarium!


Homespun Homeschool Week #17

Week 17 of Homeschool: We had fun with bubble science, learned Spanish verbs, built a Praxinoscope and watched the magic of animation, worked on our letters, learned how to study the Bible inductively starting in 1 Peter, read about Ancient Babylon and the story of Marduk and Tiamat, learned how to play Beethoven’s 5th using pictures as pitches, used latitude and longitute to find locations on maps, and wrote silly Haikus!